Just Be There
Sometimes you just need to be there.
Today a friend of mine messaged me and said she needed help with a flat tire. Could I come help her? I was at home, not in the middle of anything urgent. I could help, but I have honestly never changed a tire by myself. I initially thought I can't do that for her. I was willing to but wasn't sure I could do what she needed.
I was honest with her and told her I would be happy to try. So I went to her. Got working on jacking the car up. Didn't succeed the first time. Got the jack from my car. That was successful. Next. Watched a youtube video on her specific car's lug nut covers and got those off. Sweet! Feeling pretty good about myself and being able to help my friend. Then came getting the lug nuts off.
I tried and tried and tried. Then I saw a guy walking his dog down the street and asked if he would give it a try. He tried. And had no success.
The tire's outer treads had essentially exploded and the neighbor guy said he would go home and get a knife to cut that flapping part off and we could just drive it very slowly to a tire place that could replace her tire.
So that's what we did. And we got her safely there.
I learned today to be there. Be there for people however you can. Even if they ask you to do something you aren't sure you can help with. Becuase by being there, that just mighgt be ENOUGH.